The Photovoltaic Master
A RasPi2Pv Project
The Project    Installation    Configuration    Self Construction

  User Manager

  System Settings

  Service Settings

  Service Status

  Systemd Services

  System Info

  Mini Terminal

  Statistic View

  Software update

  Support the Project


  Data protection

The PV Master Webinterface


The RasPi2Pv Box is configurated by the PV Master Webinterface. Simply enter the IP Adress of the module into your Webbrowser and you can start to configure the whole system. Over this interface it is also possible to check the system state, start and stop services and get an overview of the power production and so on. The Webinterface is a multiuser interface so you can define different user levels for things that could be done. For example the administrator should have access to the user manager but others do not. You have the total freedom to define access rights and there is no limit in users or user groups. We start with the first screen at the first device access.


The first screen you will see at the first connection with the Webinterface is the admin password dialog. Here you set the password of the admin user. Remember that the password will not be saved automatically, so in the next step save the settings in the user manager screen.


The User manager screen is the place where users and user groups are defined. Here you can add, delete and change users and groups. Note that all settings below this dialog are only saved with "save settings".


As by default no rights are granted you should give the admin group access rights to additional areas. On the left side you see the available pages and on the right side the pages that this group has access to. The drop down list at the top is sorted by the sorting of the right list and contain only the sections where the user has access rights. To switch to a different section use the small arrow beside the drop down list box.


Here it is possible to change the users password.


In this dialog groups are assigned to the user. The user has access rights to all sections that are defined in the group. So access is granted over user groups.


After the access rights are set and saved you see the main screen. This screen is the only screen that is accessable by guests but by default guests do not have rights to see this screen. To grant guests view rights to this dialog use the general system settings screen as shown below.

The main screen will show the current power of all configured inverters and all power consumtion of the configured consumers. If Modbus devices are configured the power information is shown here as well. Below that information the led and relay state is shown. As a logged on user it is possible to toggle the state by clicking on the led symbol. The last information on this screen is the system serial number and the licence model used. It is possible to change the licence in the licence dialog shown below.


The system settings dialog is the main entry point to change system relevant settings. System settings are all settings that are not related to actions that should be taken at a defined inverters power level.


In this dialog the configuration of the Inverters is done.

If your inverter is connected by Bluetooth enter the adress in the Bluetooth field. To find the inverters bluetooth adress you can use the commandline: "hcitool scan"

If the inverter is connected by Ethernet there are two possibilitys. First you can leave the Netwire field empty, in this case all available inverters will be found automatically by a broadcast call. If just a specified inverter should be used just specify the IP address in the Netwire field. Currently 10 inverters are supported at the same time by a single RasPi2Pv Box.

With the "use Inverter" option you can select which inverter topology should be used. If Gateway is selected the RasPi2Pv Box will act as a slave Gateway. This means that the RasPi2Pv Box is not using any inverter and is controlled by a second RasPi2Pv Box. This is specially useful if the RasPi2Pv Box should control consumers but should not talk to any inverters it self. The communication between the RasPi2Pv systems is done by the commandline tool "RasPi2PvGW".

Password is the inverters user (not installer) password.


The general settings dialog set main options like language and format settings. Most settings here are self explanatory, so i just describe some of the settings here.

The option Guests control if guests can see the main page or not. This is also the only page that can be accessed by guests.

The Autosave option describe if settings within the user manager are saved automatically.

Longitude and Latitude are used to calculate the sunrise and sunset times. It is recommended to set this values so the inverter is just requested in times where power is not zero.


Within the Hardware settings dialog the hardware is configured. If the RasPi2Pv Box is used all GPIOs and Consumer definitions are already defined and correct. If you use a different hardware here is the place to define the GPIO usage. Modbus devices are also configured here. There is no limit in the amount of devices that can be configured here.


The Hardware GPIO dialog allows to define the details of the pin. So here it is possible to describe the pin by a name and a LED color. If a name is set this is shown in the main dialog so it is more visible which consumer is active.


The consumer dialog defines the hardware settings of the Power meter S0 output and the name of the consumer that is measured. Here also the pulses per kWh is defined.


The Modbus dialog defines the hardware settings of the device, the device name and the port location. For RS485 devices you define the serial interface and the serial parameters. For IP-connected devices, configure the IP address and port in the adapter field. It is possible to sum register contents by separating the register numbers with a colon. In the multiply field it is possible to adjust the result from the registers. This is spezially useful if the power meter do not return the correct range or the value is signed.


Within the Email and notify settings dialog it is possible to configure the notification feature of the RasPi2Pv Box. If Notify is enabled emails are sent on any error and/or inverter event to the receipient configured above. The server and security level should be set as described by the email server provider. To test the setting use the "Test Email" what will send a testmail to the receipient.


The logging and licence dialog is the last dialog within the system settings. Here it is defined how and if logging is enabled and what licence model is used. Any empty field represent a disabled option, in case of licence the free version is set.

There are 4 licence models defined that differ only in the amount of available triggers. These are:
  • Basic Edition: 2 triggers allowed.
  • Standard Edition: 5 triggers allowed.
  • Professional Edition: 17 triggers allowed.
  • Enterprise Edition: unlimited triggers allowed.
If more then 2 triggers are needed and the free basic edition do not fit your needs, please contact me. Anything else do not differ within the version models.


Within the service settings all inverter triggers and jobs are defined. Here is set what should be done if power is available. The inverters are defined by there serial number, NOT by the IP adress set in the system settings!

To add a inverter enter the serial number in the field and click on add inverter. There is a exception with the special entry "SUM". The inverter named "SUM" is not a real inverter it is the total of all inverters found.

If all settings are done do not forget to save the settings, otherwise the settings will be lost. To activate the settings without a restart of the RasPi2Pv Service use the "Activate Settings" button.


The edit inverter dialog is used to define, edit or delete triggers. A trigger is something that is happening in a defined power scenario. Each trigger can have a unlimited amount of actions. So the trigger is starting these actions.


A Trigger is defined by the settings set in this dialog.
  • Watch
    Here is defined what signal is triggering the Trigger. This can be the AC Power of L1, L2 or L3, the total AC Power or the Update of any of these values. Also a consumer or modbus device level can be used to set a trigger.
  • Level
    Level is the amount of Watt that is required to trigger the actions. Update will ignore this setting.
  • Offset
    With offset it is possible to define a hysteresis. So the Level need to rise or fall this amount of Watts before the trigger is activated. The offset is specially used in situations where the oposit trigger has a hysteresis above or below this trigger. Having those hysteresis setting does make sure that something is not triggered before the oposite trigger was active. For example it do not make sense to shutdown a crypto miner before he was started succesfully.
  • Timeout
    This is the amount of seconds the trigger criteria must be active before the trigger will be activated. With the timeout it is possible to compensate for fluctuations or short peaks. For example a short power reduction because of a cloud should not activate the trigger.
  • Dir
    Here the direction is defined. The Level need to rise above or fall below the defined setting.
  • Group
    With the group setting it is possible to define trigger groups. Within trigger groups only one trigger can be active at the same time. This makes sure that a previous trigger has finished the work before the next trigger in the group is activated.
  • Trigger consider
    Here it is possible to define a consumer that will be considered. The available power will be reduced by the consumer power before the trigger level is checked.
  • Trigger enabled
    Here it is possible to define the working days of the trigger. This is especially useful if you have very noisy consumers that should not be activated on all days.


Within Trigger Actions the real job of a trigger is defined. There is no limitation in actions a trigger can have. In this dialog it is possible to add, edit or delete actions.

Currently three types of actions are possible:
  • GPIO
    Switch a GPIO on or off
  • Sleep
    Wait for the amount of seconds
  • SSH
    Execute a SSH remote command on a remote host


SSH Actions are very powerful as they can start whole processes on the remote host. On the other side SSH is secure, security is a major requirement of the RasPi2Pv Project, and prevent the need of unsecure actions done by HTTP requests. Most HTTP based systems do also have a SSH interface so there is no need to use the unsecure HTTP protocol. Even remote accessable power plugs do have, in most cases, a possibility for a SSH connection.

The configuration is quite easy, just set the IP Address of the remote host, provide a username, password and define a command that should be executed after the connection is established. Note that there is no shell so the full path need to be given.


The Service status view will show the actual services installed and the state of those. This is a good place to start troubleshooting on system level.


The Systemd status view is similar to the above dialog. The difference is that only systemd services are shown and the services can be stopped and started. Here is a simple way to restart the RasPi2Pv Service.

ATTENTION! If you stop the RasPi2Pv Webinterface Service you will lose access thru the PV Master and need to restart the service by a SSH console.


Within the System info dialog you can see the state of your RasPi2Pv Box. Here you can check the amount of free memory, how active the system is and other system stuff related to the system. If you have huge system load you can find out why and who is causing it in this dialog as well.


The terminal is a really small console window with limited possibilitys. For small actions it is ok, but running programs like a editor is not possible as the screen is not redirected.


The Statistics view is able to visualize the inverters power data archive. you can select a day and click on load. The graph data is cached locally so load time will decrease dramatically when loading the data again. This is specially useful when working with a lot inverters and creating a sumariced graph. As in most cases the past data will not change it is fine to work with the cached graph. While viewing the data of the actal day it may make sense to use the update button to renew the cached data. If more then one inverter is visualized it is possible to select and deselect the inverter in the graph by clicking on the inverter name in the legend.


Beside the Day view a monthly and year view can be visualized. As with the day view the data will be cached and can be renewed with the update button


Last but not least there is the possibility to update all RasPi2Pv components over the web interface. Just select the package that should be updated and click on install. In the upper list the actual installed packages are shown.

As the RasPi2Pv Project can read the TagList files of the SBFspot project, none of the files are present in the RasPi2Pv default distribution, you can install those files here as well. Just download the file matching your selected language from the repository and install the file over the webinterface.


Support the RasPi2Pv Project


If you like to support the project, what is very welcome, you can help with a donation (just use the Donate with PayPal button on the left side) or help with translation or other work that is helpful. If you like to work on the project or add your extra features just contact me!